Welcome to today's show of fantastic, magnificent, interesting, amazing and stupid links.
Our first candidate is a young game called Scribble. His interests are fast paint-by-numbers, annoying music and bright colours. He's a perfectionist. When he messes his picture up he starts again. (my record: 63.92 sec)
The second one is a Blog. Mr Shake Of The Head (he isn't as royal as his name is) is a German who loves long conversations with his girlfriend and to write them down. He's got a great sense of humour and he keeps his nerve in every situation.
The third candidate is again a game. His name is Paintball and the name says it all. He likes creative people, red balls and red squares.
Last but not least we've got one more game with the name Short Circuit. He likes bulbs, fast music and good reactions. If there is something he dislikes it's snowflakes. (my record: 15230)
That's it for today. Thank you very much for you attention and you can post your records into the comments.
p.s. My article about the amok run in Emsdetten can be found here too.
6 Kommentar(e):
Now it should work. =)
Hey Severin
Guter Artikel! Noch mehr gefällt mir natürlich, dass er jetzt auch auf ulti.ch.vu ist. Du hast mich da mit dem bloggen gleich angesteckt: flexmedia.blogspot.com - besuch mich doch mal.=) Hab mich auch gleich der breiten Masse angeschlossen und als erstes einen Kommentar zum Amoklauf geschrieben; natürlich mit Querverlinkung nach hier.
So, dann bis am Dienstag (Ultisitzung) und mit freundlichen Grüssen
flex ak Felix Unholz (Ultimatum)
böösi psycho games......
etz isch mer s gad huere schwindlig im kopf.....
(aber chönt jo si dass da nöd vo däö games chunt.....)
än schönä
Owned you ;-)
I got 15630points in "Short Circuit"! It isn't much better, but now i've a wunderful feeling of victory... :-P
(btw: I tried at least 30times... ^^)
11840 (*sad slow music*)
double nui
95,94s in scribble (hehehe looooooooooooser :( *sniff*)
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