But because a picture is worth a thousand words here we go with five thousand words (you can't say that I don't write a lot!)

Got the message or shall I get clearer?
I. Just. Do. Not. Like. Mondays.
(Btw Garfield is great)
Everyone poops.
7 Kommentar(e):
oooh yyeaah garfield..... (wer sagt denn, dass das Leben ein Rosengarten ist...)
but sometimes sunday is even worse as monday......
ps: vor allem s vierte bild isch afach genial..... (the 4th pic, hypergenial et vraiment amusant)
nu so für dini französischä fans.....
also i mues sägä sevi, i stimm der mol voll und ganz zuä =) mäntig sind shit. i chönnts amel ächt trätä, erhängä und denn an bodä schmeissä.
und dä garfield isch echt cool, spricht mer us dä seel =).
ok, in english. i really have to say that i agree with you sevi =) mondays are shit and i could kill them =) and garfield is really cool, i feel the exact same way about mondays as he does =).
ah jo und übrigens flo, selber tschuld wenn dä sunntig so schlimm isch =)
und gueti nacht sevi...... ;)
(((hehehe: eeeeemail.....)))
hey hou
übrigens no guetä morgä..... ;)
(((scho wieder än eeeemail me....... isch doch schö...)))
Thank you very much for the mails flo :P
Mondays are not that bad.. =)
sunday is worse :D (yes, for us it is ;) )
i forgot to read all the comments. ^^#
yes it's worse for you because you start your week over at sunday. we don't, apparently. ;P
i do hate mondays aswell. but IMHO fridays do suck even more after a very depressing, stressed and destructing week.
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